Saturday, August 16, 2008

How are the Beijing Olympic 2008 made?

Observe side

Selecting jade stones

Jade Cutting

Jade Polishing

checkup details

medal mould

bronze medal

medal machine tool

groove checking-up

Finishing... The completed Olympic medals with with jade in the middle. =D

Lee Chong Wei!!!

Lee Chong Wei!! Malaysia's only hope for gold medal... He's approaching RM1 million!! Omg! He's badminton skills like super-dooper.... [ Thinking a word to replace]...... amazing? He's my idol! My 'lover' too! In semi-final, he's having a match with a korean, Lee Hyun-Il. It's so exciting... The result is .....[drum rolling]..... 21-18, 13-21, 21-13... Can u imagine how does the the scene feel like? After the match, he is so happy until he jumped on his coach! Malaysia boleh?! Malaysia mesti boleh!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Olympic `2008`

Olympic at Beijing! The Opening Ceremony was so grand.... First, they start with 2008 drums... Their drums got lights on it... Before 8, means 7:59, They have countdown. It's from the lights of the drums.. So Cool! Love that so much... After that got many performance about China's history! They drew a big picture with their own body! Add in some dancing moves too!Beijing Olympic logos!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Need your help!

My Blog! Is so ugly! I need help! Who can help me customize?