Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mooncake festival without lanterns and candles

14 September 2008. To a chinese, this shoulld be a good day for a family to gather around with mooncakes, lanterns, candles and also tea. People are going to have their dinner with their family. After dinner, most of the people will go to the garden to enjoy mooncakes and tea. The elders will tell children some story about mooncake festival, such as "chang er ben yue". After the story time, children will play with lanterns. They will hold the lanterns and walk around the house area.

To me, this year, my family did not celebrate the mooncake festival. Without lanterns, family, cousins. It was a lonely festival. I saw my neighbours were playing lanterns and candles. I recall the days my cousins and I spent during every festival. Chinese New Year, we open the angpau together. Holidays, we went for holiday together. Mooncake festival, listened to grandma's story. And many things that we did together! How i wish this feeling will come back again!

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