Friday, August 13, 2010

Janetbin, the superwoman.

If i'm given to have special power, I want to be like Edward Cullen.
Read minds.
If you can read mind, things will get perfect.
Because it's too perfect, it wont be PERFECT anymore. =(
Sometimes, we need some hidden messages to make our life interesting.
Somehow, we still feel annoyed when we dont understand someone.
And they expect you to understand them.
Then, we need to read their mind this time.
To avoid mistakes.

I'm not greedy.
I just want to read SOMEONE's mind.
Yes. Just the someone is more than enough.
The ability to read minds doesnt have to be with me always.
I just hope it appears when I need it.
But i'm grateful for everything i have now.
Thanks god! <3<3
It's just an extra ability.
So, I wont die even without it. =D

-By Mrs Leeteuk Wannabe <3-

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