Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Ending 2014.

Basically, my 2014 neither that challenging nor interesting, its just a normal year for an ordinary girl. However, my feelings were much affected and depended on my friends within the year. I have to make some changes in the coming year, since Jean is leaving to Australia soon. Things have to be better. No one is going to wait for you. If you want to improve, you have to make the change. 2015 is coming, in 2 days. I'm going to be 21 soon. I have to grow up to my age. Honestly, I'm really contented with what I have throughout the year. What else more can I ask for? I got what I deserve, so if I want more, work more. Stay strong, improve more, girl.

Edelweiss symbolizes daring, courage and noble purity. :)

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