Monday, July 13, 2015

The last paper of Sem 5.

I remember the last post was about how stressful is my Sem 5 and how I complain about people. Time flies, and its finally the last paper in 32 hours time. I really tried my best to study real hard for this semester, one thing is to prove that im able to manage my time properly, doing what i love at the same time. I must say, everything went so well. Of course, there were so many challenges in between, and look, I embraced them all and went through it. I believe, Im now having a better me, with a true self. Im really afraid of people discriminating me, thus, making me timid and dont speak often. I always say things wrongly, and people will start to discriminate me, in the way that, "you backstab me, i dont want to talk to you", but I was just telling the truth. :( Anyhow, Im glad for being who I am today. I need more improvement, I know. But oh well, we are all learning right.. It takes time, not too long though. Lets do this together, mates!

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