Sunday, September 1, 2013

Childhood fairy tale.

I used to imagine how things will be in my future. In terms of my love life. :P I imagined to have a really beautiful wedding, in a beautiful white dress and veil, with natural flower fragrance. I dont have specific favourite flower, any will do. Walking towards the alter, feeling grateful. Looking through the crowd, feeling the love in the air, thinking, "It's finally my day". Playing the song "Set me as a seal", happily holding the person's hand. It will be best, if dad will be there.
Future, how my family will be. How am i going to give the best to my kids. Hoping he will love me no matter how, never leave me and be there for me. Actually i just want a happy family.
HAHHAHA! After all, im just imagining too much. Well, it's not wrong to imagine, i have a dream? :P

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