Monday, June 28, 2010

ABRSM Practical Exam.

Urgh! I finally done my violin practical exam!
I have no idea what i did inside the room.
It's either i'm short memory or I wasnt paying attention inside.
But i prefer accpeting the fact that Damon has compelled me after my exam. =D
Kay. Stop dreaming.
I totally screwed up everything!
I practised till 11 o'clock the day before.
My fingers were hurting.
I reached that place around 8am.
My exam time was at 9am.
According to my teacher, we have to reach there 45 minutes befour our exam.
So, we reached there at 8 am instead of 8.15am.
The cute examiner starts the exam early.
I was so nervous and freaking out.
It wasnt cold inside the room.
But my fingers were numb and cold because i'm nervous.
That's the main factor that i screwed everything up.

"Good Morning. =D" said the examiner with her sweet and broad smile.
"Good Morning, Madam. =)" I said.
"Good Morning. =D" Teacher Lai Mun, my accompanion teacher said.
Everything done.
"I'll help you get the door. You have lots of thing to hold." Said the examiner.
"Thank you, goodbye!" I said.

Basically, according to what i remember, pieces are neither good nor bad.
Means Average.
But the second piece was totally out of tune. Like what i usually did during practice.
But I was working hard to get rid of it.
Hmmm... Okay. B flat arpeggious, I gave her an extra note.
Sight reading.
I tried my best to count on the beats.
Hope it really works.
Best part of all.
Got it right.
Echo Singing.
Last bar was a bit out of tune.
Notice the differences.
Melodic change. But i dont know what i sang. I just made up one to pass it.
The question part.
Not bad. But she asked me about the tone.
I answered major.
But it should be "At first it's major and ends with minor."

End of my exam.
And i'm gonna get slice by Teacher Grace.
Called Teacher Pei Win, my former violin teacher to inform her my "warrior moments".
Oh. I actually finished my exam at 9.15am.
I should go back to school, but i picked to skip.
Sister bought me Subway! =D

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