Thursday, March 12, 2009

Gar Ooi!

Gar Ooi! When are you coming back?! I miss you so much!! You must come back on my birthday, kay??

I was really shock when i heard Gar Ooi met an accident! Really shock. I was stunned for a moment. I can't concentrate my work. Before that second, I was still crazying about Lee-Hom with Amanda, Yi Shiuan, Sook Yi and Yee Yan. But in the other second, I became depressed. They said i had an Emo look when i was sad. I don't know. I really tried to smile at that time, but i couldn't. I tried my best. If anyone reading this feel like punching me, please don't do that, especially Sook Yi! I'm really sad that everyone don't know what to do at that time. I remembered the things before that accident happen. I was helping Gar Ooi with the Scholastic books. But now she leaves me alone in the school. Everyone wants to visit her, same as me. But i'm having tuition so cant make it. I should follow Qin Ern and Dylan today to visit her, but i got my violin lesson!! Hate it. Planning to visit her on Saturday. Wait for me Gar Ooi!

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