Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day #49: Mistakes.

If you dont bother to reply messages, dont start the conversation. If you just so happy to see how pathetic i am, congratulation. I still think about you. You texted me, i was happy, i tried my best to not reply, i wondered for the whole day and i replied. And i gave you another chance to hurt me once more. How can i be so stupid? Im just so brainless. Yeah. Youre not obligated to reply my texts. Not at all. Why do i always have to be the one that being ignored and not the one that ignores?? Why am i such a fail, such a loser? Maybe to you, im nothing. I mean i am nothing to you now. Hahaha. Its okay. Its me that finding a way to let you do that to me again. So dumb. :) I have so much hard time. So much. So much. Its okay. Im tired. Ive been saying that and im still here wondering about you. Haha. Such a loser. :)

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