Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day #116: Tears.

In my life, I tried so hard to make people happy, without caring my image, being a retard, laugh like a clown, smile like im the happiest girl, but who knows what i had to put that smile on? Who can actually think that behind that smile, are all scars. A heartbroken to have another heartbroken. Please appreciate what you have, know that you're actually so lucky. Not everyone has that. Im not asking for more. I do appreciate my life. I had so much to let you go. It's killing me, still. You begged me, last time. But why didnt you think that i need you too? I need you so much. Ive stand up so long, and im really tired. I really cannot afford anything anymore. As usual, I will not cry in front of anyone. I will continue to smile, to laugh, to be a retard. And spread the happiness to people who deserve it.

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