Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day #127: Insurance.

Settle with dad's insurance today. I didnt know dad bought me insurance. I mean, it's normal for other family, but to me, it's different story. It's been a long time since i last see my friends. Meeting them tomorrow, yay! :D But im quite afraid of people's reaction tomorrow. Dont know why. :/ Studied for quite a long time today, supposed to be satisfy, but it seems quite empty. Uhhh.. How? Im not sure whether im alright, but i really want to cry for some reason. I feel that, something is holding back. Hmmm, Yung, relax yourself. :( Im waiting for the day that i can let go everything out of my mind. I know myself is not mature at all. Keep holding back things, keep asking why, keep asking for answers. So not right. I can never grow from that. Never gonna give myself any excuses anymore. Please, No.

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