Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day #98: Emily.

I dont know whats wrong with my blogger, seriously. And now, im actually using the HTML mode to post. Feel so weird. I couldnt use the compose mode to type. Its just annoying, yet interesting. Today was not really a good day, neither bad. Golf was kind of boring cause Wilson gor gor wasnt there. Just feel so weird that no one is disturbing me. But i still had a good time practising on my own. Sometimes, i wish i really can shut down myself. When i try really hard on something, the feelings just rush into me like nobody's business. I hate that feeling. I dont like it anymore. It annoys me. Everything related to you is just annoying, i wish. Im really trying so hard. Please just let me forget everything. I dont want a single bit of memory about you. It keeps haunting me again and again. I rather i didnt meet you before. Yung Yung, youre a strong girl. Youre a bitch. You dont care whatever that happens around you. You can just ignore everything. Please. He hurt you too much and doesnt even deserve any care from you. You know its hard, but you'll do good. When people dont even give a damn to you, just dont give a damn to them. You have something else more important to do. Your midterm result wasnt really good. Concentrate on that. It worths even more. In few days, i swear im going to be immune to all feelings. I dont care whether i can do it or not, i just have to. When you give in too much, people tend to hurt you even more. Im not sure what logic is that, but thats how it works in this generation. People are selfish. I have to learn to be one too.

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